Hinterland connections

North Sea Port is strategically located within a network of all kinds of transport connections, both via international shipping routes at sea and via multimodal connections with the hinterland. That is why we can transport a range of types of goods smoothly and safely within the European Union. The possibility to choose the most suitable mode for each transport is also an important asset for the companies in our port area.

Read more about our strategic location

Inland shipping

Unique to North Sea Port is that we transport 60% of all goods in the so-called modal split via inland shipping. In this way, we can position ourselves as a hub for inland shipping transport, a more sustainable alternative to road transport. In order to make the logistics chains even more sustainable, we want to bundle goods flows even more efficiently. The further digitalisation of the port will play an important role in this.

Read more about digitalisation


Each year, 7 million tonnes of goods are transported by rail, which amounts to 28% of all freight transport. This is possible thanks to the tracks and track bundles on our quays and industrial estates, which are connected to the European rail network.

Read more about our investments in rail infrastructure

Road transport

The quays and industrial estates are well connected via the motorways around the port area. After all, North Sea Port is located at the junction of Europe's main motorways, the E17 and the E40. With investments in infrastructure for sustainable transport alternatives, we want to reduce the share of road transport, and the emissions and congestion that go with it, to 25% (this is known as the modal shift).

Read more about our investments in infrastructure


Pipelines are the most environmentally friendly, energy-efficient and safe mode of transport for the supply and removal of gaseous and liquid products such as hydrogen. By further reducing the number of trucks on the road, we can reduce our CO2 emissions.