Privacy & Cookies


This website has been created at the behest of North Sea Port. Use of this website and all information contained therein is conditional upon full compliance with the terms and conditions of use provided here. By using this website, you are by law agreeing to accept and abide by the stipulated terms and conditions of use.

North Sea Port may not be held liable for technical damage sustained by the user while using the website. Neither is North Sea Port liable for potential viruses in the event these are present on the website; North Sea Port rejects any and all liability for damage such viruses may cause.

Information management

North Sea Port makes every effort to ensure the information provided is as complete, correct, accurate and up-to-date as possible. North Sea Port cannot be held liable for incorrect or incomplete information found on this website.

Should the information on this site contain errors, or should information the user might reasonably expect to find on the website be missing, we shall undertake action to remedy the situation as quickly as possible once we have been informed of such an irregularity. Questions or comments in this regard may be submitted to North Sea Port. 

Email North Sea Port

North Sea Port reserves the right to edit, alter, supplement or delete the content of the website (including links) at any time without prior notice.

Personal data 


North Sea Port (for Belgium: North Sea Port Flanders nv, a limited company under public law, with its registered office at J. Kennedylaan 32, 9042 Gent, tel +32 9 251 05 50 and for the Netherlands: North Sea Port Netherlands NV, Schelpenpad 2, 4530 AC Terneuzen – tel +31 115 64 74 00) will act as the controller for the processing of personal data issued. 

For Belgium, the Data Protection Officer is Mr. Jonas De Cock 

Personal data include all information about an identified or identifiable natural person, namely the data subject. 

North Sea Port will safeguard personal privacy in accordance with all applicable statutory provisions. North Sea Port will not collect personal data, unless you issue them voluntarily. If you issue personal data to North Sea Port, they will be processed in a secure environment that is not accessible to the public. 

North Sea Port basically processes personal data for internal purposes only, i.e. to answer a question, to be able to provide optimum services and/or to be able to contact the person who issued the personal data. The personal data are only used for as long as this is necessary. By granting your permission, you explicitly give North Sea Port permission to process these data for the aforementioned purposes. 

Should North Sea Port intend to process your personal data further than for the purpose for which the personal data were collected and as explained above, you will be informed of this different purpose and the associated relevant information in advance. 

Data subject rights 

As a data subject, you may exercise your rights by contacting North Sea Port 

You can always withdraw your permission to process your personal data, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing based on the permission given before it was withdrawn. 

You also have (1) the right to request access from North Sea Port, (2) the right to rectification of your personal data, (3) the right to erasure of your data without unreasonable delay in the cases stipulated by law, (4) the right of transfer of your data to another data controller, as well as (5) the right to restrict processing. Finally, you have (6) the right to object to the processing of the personal data issued by you on grounds specifically related to your situation, unless North Sea Port can provide imperative, justified reasons that outweigh your interests, rights or freedoms, or if they are related to the institution, exercising or substantiation of legal proceedings. 

Transfer of personal data  

The personal data you issued are generally not transferred to other organisations, except to comply with statutory obligations and in case of an explicit request do to so from the judicial authorities or the police. 

In the exceptional case that North Sea Port transfers personal data to other organisations that are not judicial authorities or the police, this will be stated explicitly or you will be asked for your express permission. 

You accept and recognise that North Sea Port can, at its own discretion, engage service providers to provide technical support for the North Sea Port website, e.g. to manage web servers, to back-up information, etc. 

Complaints or requests 

Please let us know if you have any questions, comments or complaints. You can do so by sending an email or by sending a letter to the aforementioned addresses. 

Email your complaint or request

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Flemish Monitoring Committee for the processing of personal data at (for Belgium) or using the contact details on the website of the Dutch Data Protection Authority (for the Netherlands). 

Patrimony data

In order to carry out our work, it is necessary for North Sea Port to process and exchange personal and cadastral data with third parties. The protocol below ensures compliance with the rules for protecting this data. This protocol contains agreements between the General Administration of Patrimonial Documentation, part of Federal Public Service Finance Belgium, and North Sea Port. Herein, we agree on how to share this information with each other in a secure way. Below are the documents in Dutch

Advise DPO FOD Finance

Advise DPO North Sea Port

Protocol AAPD

Usage of information

Except where otherwise indicated, the information found on this website is not subject to copyright. The information may be used for personal and non-commercial purposes at no charge, so long as the source is properly acknowledged. If you wish to reproduce, distribute or otherwise make information (text, images, etc.) available to others, you must first obtain permission from North Sea Port.

All intellectual property rights associated with this site are held by North Sea Port and potential third parties. Certain software applications and graphic elements on the website are supplied by third parties and may be subject to copyright protection; as a result, the possibilities for use and reproduction may be limited and conditional upon obtaining prior permission from the author. 

Links to websites operated by third parties

North Sea Port also places links on its own website in cases where these may be of use to the web visitor. North Sea Port offers no guarantees whatsoever with regard to the content, information sources, availability, quality or completeness of the websites to which it links and can therefore not be held responsible for such.

North Sea Port rejects any and all liability for damage, whether direct or indirect, resulting from the consultation or use of external websites and/or their content. In the event that information provided on linked-to websites is found to be unreliable, incorrect, outdated or unlawful, North Sea Port reserves the right to delete the link to the website without notice.

Problems involving links can be reported to North Sea Port at any time via

North Sea Port reserves the right to refuse links to external information.

Unauthorised use of the website

In addition to complying with other regulations, the user agrees to:

  • Refrain from using the information in a wrongful and/or unlawful fashion.
  • Avoid using the website in such a way that the website is damaged, distorted, interrupted or rendered in any way less efficient.
  • Avoid using the website in such a way as to violate the rights of a natural person, legal entity or association, including but not limited to the privacy and intellectual property rights of such.
  • Refrain from using the website to post or transmit computer viruses, or to post or transmit illegal or unlawful material, or material that is in any way inappropriate, including but not limited to material of a defamatory, obscene or threatening nature. North Sea Port reserves any and all rights to declare the user in in default and/or start legal proceedings against the user if its interests or the interests of a third party are harmed as a result of a violation of the aforementioned provisions.


This website makes use of the following cookies:

Necessary cookies

These cookies are essential to allow users to visit the website and to make use of certain parts of the site.

Functional cookies

Functional cookies are cookies that facilitate the functioning of our website, make it more pleasant to use and ensure that visitors are given a more personalised online experience. This kind of cookies includes those that ‘remember’ your preferences, for instance, or keep track of whether you have already been asked to take part in a survey, so that we don’t keep suggesting the same survey every time. 

Performance cookies

We use performance cookies to collect information on how visitors use our websites for the purpose of improving the content of our websites, to align them more closely to the desires of visitors and to enhance the websites’ ease of use. One specific cookie, for instance, helps us count the number of unique visitors, while another keeps track of which pages are most popular. This website makes use of Google Analytics for the measurement and analysis of visitor information. To that end, internet traffic data, details of your browser type and computer and other information are collected based on your IP address. We do not use this data to identify individual users like yourself. 

Managing cookies

It is possible to disallow the installation of cookies via your browser settings. The following website explains how to refuse cookies in the most commonly-used browsers:

You can also, at any time, delete previously installed cookies from your computer or mobile device.


All disputes arising from the use of the website or any information contained therein are governed exclusively by Belgian law.

Changes?to the proclaimer 

North Sea Port reserves the right to modify this proclaimer. These modifications are announced on the North Sea Port website. 

If you continue to use the North Sea Port website after the modification, the modified proclaimer will apply to this use.