
North Sea Port joins Portbase with Vlissingen and Terneuzen: reuse data possible for entire digital port community in the Netherlands

Published on Wed 26 Jun 2024
Portbase is linking up with the port authority North Sea Port. From now on, data from the logistics chain in Vlissingen and Terneuzen can be consulted and reused by all Dutch seaports. This makes us part of the Dutch digital port community, which is much easier for our customers.

For years, North Sea Port has maintained close contacts with Portbase. With a new digital strategy, we made the choice to connect Vlissingen and Terneuzen to Portbase. From now on, data about the logistics chain In Vlissingen and Terneuzen can be used throughout the Netherlands via Portbase's Port Community System (PCS). This way, we as North Sea Port simplify the reporting process in the logistics chain for our clients. The re-use of data accelerates the logistics process. Moreover, in this way we are anticipating future European regulations, such as 'European Maritime Single Window (EMSWe)'. 

Peter Van Parys, COO of North Sea Port: "By joining Portbase's Port Community System, we as North Sea Port are part of the digital port community for all ports in the Netherlands. This fits with our ambition to further expand our digital services. Moreover, for our clients, shipping companies and shipping agents, this cooperation offers the great advantage of simplicity. As a merged port, we know that this is a real added value." 

Smartest port community 

The voice of the customer has also been heard with this. Because it gives them a 'one stop shop' for all Dutch ports in all simplicity. In Vlissingen and Terneuzen, the Zeeland port community was already using Portbase's Port Community System. For example, for the declarations for the entry of goods to Customs, the customs pre-notifications. But now port master notifications also go through Portbase's PCS. Meanwhile, a successful pilot has taken place for 'Notification Ship', the first service North Sea Port connects to. Thus, a ship can now also easily report via Portbase before it effectively enters the port. 

Iwan van der Wolf, CEO Portbase: "We are happy and proud that North Sea Port with Vlissingen and Terneuzen is part of our community. With this cooperation, we strengthen the Netherlands' position as a central logistics hub for Northwest Europe. Together, we are building the smartest port communities." 

Uniform for the whole of the Netherlands 

In the next phase, there will be an expansion with other harbour master services. Registration for agents, shipbrokers or shipping companies, for example, will therefore become uniform for the whole of the Netherlands. There will also be reuse of data and a link with Customs processes. 

Furthermore, it means that Portbase - apart from the harbour master services - can also take up other projects relevant to Vlissingen and Terneuzen. This will allow the Zeeland part of the port community to be informed about major projects such as the Import Control System 2 (ICS2), the new EU cargo information system that will facilitate the free flow of trade through optimised and data-driven customs security processes. 

The cooperation agreement was signed on Tuesday 25 June 2024. 

About Portbase

Portbase is a subsidiary of the ports of Rotterdam (75%) and Amsterdam (25%). It ensures that the digital port infrastructure and core processes in all Dutch ports are in good digital order. Portbase is a not-for-profit organisation that operates cost-based and has a neutral position in the Dutch ports. It acts as a director to bring parties together, makes agreements to promote cooperation and manages the Dutch Port Community System that digitally links all parties in the logistics chains. Portbase facilitates data sharing between companies and information exchange with governments so that everyone can work faster, more efficiently and at lower costs. Together with the growing community (6,200 national and international organisations), Portbase makes data sharing increasingly valuable.