Collection points household waste

In Vlissingen, Terneuzen and Ghent there are several containers in which boaters can dispose of household waste. A waste collection service comes to empty them.

You can find drop-off points at:

Municipality Location Quay
Ghent Insteekdok Sifferdok /Alphons Sifferlaan 960
Ghent Watertappunt ingang Sifferdok 1065
Ghent Doornzelekaai /Vasco Da Gamalaan 7850
Sas Van Gent Westkade Zijkanaal E Bravo
Sluiskil Groene Wal Axelse vlaktehaven Groene Wal
Terneuzen Beneluxweg Zijkanaal A Oost Juliet
Terneuzen Beneluxweg Zijkanaal A Oost Charlie
Terneuzen Beurtvaartkade Zijkanaal A Beurtvaartkade
Vlissingen   Quarleshaven Wachtpalen
Vlissingen Belgiëweg West Van Citteshaven Wachtpalen Kegel

Offer your household waste separately

Smart containers

North Sea Port is committed to separate waste collection in the port. As of May 1, 2024, inland vessels will be required to deliver household waste in designated smart containers at various practical locations throughout the port area.

Collection points household waste


The new containers can be opened with the Connect4Shore app. This app is also suitable for taking water and shore power. For more information about the app, visit the Connect4Shore website.

Information about Connect4Shore

Selective waste collection

You can read all about the new selective household waste collection in this news release.

Information about household waste collection

Illegal dumping

Side placements or improper use of the provided containers is considered as
illegal dumping.

Passenger ships

Passenger ships can call on private companies or North Sea Port to deliver their waste.